Intimate House Concerts in and around PORTLAND, OR & on the
INHOUSE Jazz 2025
Frequently Asked Questions about INHOUSE Jazz
What is INHOUSE Jazz?
INHOUSE is a venue for jazz musicians and enthusiasts to interact in an informal intimate setting; to relax and enjoy fantastic music within the comfortable environment of someone’s home. We keep the quality as high as you would experience in a club only without the noise level often associated with a restaurant or bar. Want to meet the artist? Not a problem - in fact they will most likely look forward to interacting with you during the concert. You may find your way to INHOUSE Jazz by being referred by a friend who has attended in the past. Please consider joining Annie’s mailing list so that information will come to you.
When and where are the concerts?
INHOUSE concerts are produced seasonally in and around Portland and along the Central Oregon Coast in private residences from Spring to Fall.
Why is the concert location not published on the website?
INHOUSE Jazz is not a business. The hosts do not make a profit on any of the events. We provide an ideal atmosphere for audiences to experience the talent and creativity of the various artists. It is rewarding for the musicians to share their artistry in this type of setting, so they are often performing for a discounted rate. One requirement for this not to be considered as a business is that the concert location address not be listed on the website. When you make a reservation/donation you will be sent a confirmation email along with the location and directions.
What can I expect when I attend?
To hear some amazing music, to be welcomed by an extended circle of friends and family into the INHOUSE fold, to share some great food, and that is just the beginning ...this informal atmosphere provides an opportunity for audiences to experience an intimate concert in a way that is both inviting and enjoyable.You will also learn some about each artist as Jazz vocalist Annie Averre hosts, introducing them and their work.
How much does it cost and where does the money go?
There is no charge, but a donation of $15 - $30 is suggested to cover concert costs.
All funds collected beyond expenses are donated in support of local jazz and arts education. To learn more, check out the CONTRIBUTIONS tab, then click SUPPORT to see how to become more involved.
How do I attend?
Seating is limited, so reservations must be made prior to each concert, see the CONTACT tab or info below. Once reservations are made, patrons are given information about location and directions. Donations may be made in advance by check or at the concert itself. Email Annie for a payment address. Reservations are confirmed by phone or email, then directions are provided. Seating is limited to approximately 30-40 guests depending on the concert location.
Should I bring anything?
Many artists will have CD’s available to purchase for between $15 - $20. They are usually willing to autograph them for you. Audience members often bring their own beverages and a potluck treat to share (optional).
Other Questions or Suggestions?
If you have questions, or to obtain a mailing address and for those who prefer to make advance donations by check, email Annie at aaverre@hotmail.com or call 360-606-7136